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Image Into the White Night Season 1 Crime and punishment

Into the White Night Season 1 Crime and punishment

Release Date 2006-03-23
Runtime 54 minutes
Genres Drama, Crime
Stars Takayuki Yamada, Haruka Ayase, Atsuro Watabe, Takashi Kashiwabara, Kotaro Tanaka
Directors Yoshiko Morishita, Shin Kono, Yasuharu Ishii, Yuichiro Hirakawa, Ishimaru Akihiko

What happens with two children commit two different muders in order to protect each other? Does salvation exist for them? In order to walk beneath the sun once more, Ryouji and Yukiho find themselves in a twisted web from which neither can escape without abandoning the other. Having no one but each other, this drama follows the events the follow that fateful day… 14 years ago.

